Our Constitution and Bylaws


Our Leadership


The TCFPA is managed by a volunteer Board of Directors. Their gift of time and talent makes it possible for us to provide the programs that benefit the abused and neglected children of Troup County, Georgia.


Executive Board


President:  Kevin Barfield  [email protected]

Vice President:  Shannon Cruz  [email protected]

Treasurer:  Joanne Broderick  [email protected]

Secretary:  Heather Schweizer  [email protected]

Assistant Secretary:  Sonya Barfield


Standing Committees


Constitution and Bylaws:  The Constitution and Bylaws Committee shall annually review the Constitution and Bylaws and shall advise the Board on additions, deletions, corrections and other recommended changes.


Finance:  The Finance Committee is a standing committee composed of members of the Board, charged with advising the Board of Directors concerning the financial affairs of the Association. The Finance Committee recommends an annual budget and an auditor to the Board of Directors, recommends financial and other policies, assesses the financial impact of all policies and activities on the association, monitors the Association's investments, and undertakes other appropriate projects as requested.


Membership:  The Membership Committee is focused on three core activities: increasing awareness of the benefits of membership, engaging in recruitment efforts, and engaging in retention efforts. The goal of the Membership Committee is to attract and retain members by ensuring that the Association satisfies their needs and expectations. The Membership Committee shall engage in ongoing activities to determine the needs and expectations of members. It plans, develops, and evaluates methods of satisfying member needs and expectations and recommends such programs to the board. The committee also maintains an accurate membership roster and verifies that all individual adoptive and foster parents are in good standing with the Division of Family and Children's Services or its designated private agencies in the State of Georgia.


Event Planning:  The Event Planning committee plans, organizes, coordinates and promotes special events and activities as directed by the board.


Fundraising: The Fundraising Committee raises the amount needed to meet the proposed unit budget as directed by the board.  The committee is responsible for soliciting donations and planning, organizing, and coordinating special fundraising events.


Publicity: The Publicity Committee is responsible for providing publicity, in the form of news releases and through all available outlets, about TCFPA, its activities and projects.


Training: The Training Committee is responsible for coordinating the training session portion of the monthly meetings, ensuring that foster parents are able to receive credit for at least one hour.  The committee shall also keep foster parents informed of other training opportunities available, including webinars and online courses.


Communications: The Communications Committee is responsible for the internal communication needs of the TCFPA including newsletters, email, phone calls, and direct mail.


Foster C.A.R.E. (Clothing And Resource Exchange) Center :  The Foster C.A.R.E. Center Committee is responsible for managing the TCFPA Foster C.A.R.E. Center, including distributions, receiving donations, and organizing and inventorying merchandise.


Christmas:  The Christmas Committee plans, organizes, and coordinates the purchase and distribution of Christmas gifts to all current foster children in coordination with the Division of Family and Children’s Services.  They also assist the Event Planning Committee in the planning, organizing, and coordinating of the Annual Christmas Party.

Foster parenting is a challenging job.  Foster parents play an incredibly important role in the lives of foster children in our community. The Troup County Foster Parents Association (TCFPA) is a certified 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the foster parents and foster/adoptive children of Troup County, Georgia.


We support foster parents by putting them in touch with an entire community of people who understand what it takes to be a foster parent. Every month, we host a meeting that allows foster parents to connect, share experiences, and learn from one another. These meetings also provide foster parents with opportunities for ongoing training and educational support.


We support foster and adoptive children.  Our programs provide a wide variety of services that directly benefit every foster child in Troup County.   We collect and distribute clothes, toys, baby items, and even some furniture.  We also provide birthday gifts, holiday gifts, school supplies, and social activities throughout the year, where foster children are able to meet and interact with other children who know what it's like to be in the foster system.

Our Mission Statement


About Us

To support Foster and Adoptive parents in Troup County Georgia by:


  • Providing information about child welfare issues that impact them
  • Helping provide training to become the best Foster/Adoptive Parents they can be
  • Helping find solutions to the many challenges and problems that face Foster/Adoptive Parents as they help care for Troup County Georgia's abused and neglected children


Advocating about foster care and adoption issues and to provide even greater support for Troup County Georgia's Foster and Adoptive Parents

Making a positive difference

You’re Not in It Alone. We’re Here to Help!

Troup County Foster Parent Association



The name of the corporation shall be Troup County Foster Parent Association (TCFPA) often referred to in this Constitution as "the Association."

ARTICLE II - Purposes

The purposes for which the Association is formed are:

1.      To bring together all the adoptive and foster parents, agency representatives, and community people who wish to work together for the same purposes as forth in these bylaws and articles of incorporation.

2.      To encourage and promote the formation of local adoptive and foster parent associations.

3.      To promote and enhance mutual cooperation, coordination and communication among adoptive parents, foster parents, adoptive parent associations, foster parent associations, all child care agencies and other interested parties.

4.      To work in cooperation with public and private welfare agencies in improving foster care services and adoption processes.

5.      To encourage the training and education of adoptive parents, foster parents and others working in the field of adoption and family foster care.

6.      To encourage and promote the recruitment and retention of individuals to serve as foster parents or to work in the field of foster family care.

7.      To seek viable reforms in the adoption environment and family foster care.

8.      To promote, by attitude and action, constructive social action needed to bring about improvements in child welfare systems and in legislation pertaining to all children and families in general, and children in out-of-home placements, adoptive families and foster families in particular.

9.      To promote community education and awareness of adoption and foster care issues.

ARTICLE III - Nature of the Association

SECTION 1. The Association shall be incorporated, self-governing, non-profit, non-partisan, and non-sectarian and shall not discriminate against any person on the grounds of sex, race, creed, religion or national origin. The Association shall solicit and collect funds for the accomplishment and furtherance of the Constitution and Bylaws.

SECTION 2. The Association shall not engage in any activities or exercises that are contrary to law or to the primary purposes for which this Association was formed. In no event shall such activities violate the laws or provisions of the Internal Revenue Code, section 501(c)(3), 509(a)(2), which allows this body its tax-exempt status.

SECTION 3. In the event of the dissolution of the Association, all assets and holdings will be disposed of under the provisions of the governing Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3).

ARTICLE IV - Qualifications of Members

Membership shall consist of such class or classes with such qualifications, rights and obligations as shall be set forth in the Bylaws of the Association.

ARTICLE V - Board of Directors, Officers

The Board of Directors will consist of the officers, immediate past president, and the chairpersons of the standing committees. The duties of the Board of Directors shall be as set forth in the Bylaws of the Association.

ARTICLE VI - Meetings

Meetings shall be held at the call of the Board of Directors or as set forth in the Bylaws of the Association.

ARTICLE VII - Amendments

The Constitution and Bylaws may be amended by the membership. The Constitution and Bylaws Committee will conduct an annual review of the Constitution and Bylaws to ensure that they remain accurate and current to serve the needs of Georgia's children. If changes are deemed necessary, the committee will report needed changes to the Board of Directors for approval. Once changes are approved by a two-thirds majority of the Executive Board, the revised Constitution and/or Bylaws will be presented for approval at the next monthly meeting.  Passage of changes to the Constitution or Bylaws requires a two-thirds majority of the votes of those present at the annual meeting.

Typically, the Constitution and Bylaws will not be submitted for changes more than once per year. The results of any changes will be published on the Association web site.

Approved and accepted by the Executive Board on April 30, 2013

Amended and approved May 28, 2013



The name of the Association shall be Troup County Foster Parent Association (TCFPA), often referred to in these bylaws as "the Association".   The Association shall be self-governing, non-profit, non-partisan, non-sectarian, and shall not discriminate against any person on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion or national origin. The Association shall solicit and receive funds for the accomplishment and furtherance of these bylaws. The Association shall not engage in any activities or exercise any powers that are contrary to law or to the primary purposes for which this Association was formed, nor shall it violate any provisions of the Internal Revenue Service.

ARTICLE II – Membership

SECTION 1: Types of Membership

Regular membership shall be available to all individual adoptive and foster parents in good standing with the Division of Family and Children's Services or its designated private agencies in the State of Georgia. Only regular members may vote.

Supporting membership shall be available to any organization wishing to support the purposes and efforts of this organization including other individuals interested in the field of child welfare.

Honorary membership may be awarded to an individual from time to time by the Association.


Dues shall be set by the Board of Directors at its discretion. Regular members must pay dues, if any, annually to remain in good standing. 

SECTION 3: Membership Year

The membership year is 12 months.

ARTICLE III - Officers and Duties

SECTION 1: Officers

The officers of the Association shall include:  President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Secretary and Assistant Treasurer.  The immediate past president may be an officer if approved by the majority of the Executive Board.  An interim president is not a member of the Executive Board.

These officers are known as the Executive Board.

Chairperson of each committee or any person appointed by the Executive Board makes up the Board of Directors.

SECTION 2: Structure

The Association shall be structured to work effectively with the Division of Family and Children's Services to provide support for adoptive and foster parents and the children in their care.

SECTION 3: Duties of the Officers

Each officer shall be a member in good standing at the time of election and for the duration of his/her term in office. Each officer shall serve as a member of the Executive Board and attend all regular, special and called meetings. When his/her term of office ends, each outgoing officer shall forward the records of all activities while in office to the incoming officer immediately but not later than fourteen (14) days from the last day of his/her term.

A.      President:  The president is elected by the members of the Association to direct the affairs of the Association in cooperation with the other members of the Executive Board and to represent its members.

1.      Serve for the term of the office set in the Bylaws.

2.      Know and follow all the Bylaws of the Association.

3.      Cooperate with the other members of the Executive Board, Board of Directors and DFCS/DHR.

4.      Appoints chairpersons and standing committee.

5.      Preside at all meetings of the general membership, Board of Directors, Executive Committee and DFCS/DHR.

6.      Expedites meetings by preparing an agenda, opening and closing meetings on time, work with the Board and DFCS/DHS before the meeting to learn who has reports or additions to the agenda.

7.      Study/review the bylaws and make sure they are up to date.

8.      Sign all contracts on behalf of the Association.

9.      Delegate certain administrative duties to the Vice President.

10.  Make sure all legal business matters are handled properly and are up to date (i.e. 501c3, IRS updates and reports, insurance, etc).

B.      Vice President:  The Vice President may be called upon at any time to temporarily assume the duties of the President.  The Vice President should make a thorough study of the Presidents duties and responsibilities and be familiar with the work of the Association.  A strong Vice President can and should be the President’s right hand; acting as an aide and assuming assigned responsibilities.  The Vice President can serve as program chairperson, coordinator for major projects and be a liaison to outside groups that may be helpful to the Association.  The Vice President can be helpful in strengthening communication with the Board of Directors as well as the membership, the community and DFCS/DHR.

1.      Preside at meetings in the absence of the President or upon the inability for the President to serve.

2.      Perform the duties of the President, in the absence or inability to serve or act.

3.      Act as an assistant to the President and assume responsibility for duties assigned by the President and the Bylaws.

4.      Represent the President upon request.  Doing so in a professional manner.

C.      Secretary:  The Secretary is responsible for keeping an accurate account of the meetings and all records of the Association, Board and Executive Board meetings and regular membership meetings.  As well as meetings held with DFCS/DHR.  The records become the history of the Association.  Promptness, accuracy and knowledge of the Association purposes, Bylaws, policies and procedures are important for this job to be successful.

1.      Record accurately all business transacted at each meeting of the Association and present the minutes for approval at the next meeting.

2.      Submit the names and addresses of all incoming officers to DFCS/DHR Regional Director.  This includes changes to the Board.

3.      Maintain accurate and up to date membership list, complete with contact information for all members.

4.      Send out notices of meetings and any and all correspondences for the Association.

5.      Prepare in advance of each meeting the agenda, showing the order of business, in consultation and approval of the President.

6.      Count a rising vote and assist in determining a quorum.

7.      Call the meeting to order in the absence of the President and Vice President.

D.     Assistant Secretary:  The Assistant Secretary will assume the duties of the Secretary in all aspects when the Secretary is absent from any of the following meetings:  Executive Board, Regular Monthly Membership and DFCS/DHR.

1.      Keep all records of the Association accurately.

2.      Have knowledge of the Association purpose, Bylaws, policies and procedures.

E.      Treasurer:  The Treasurer is the legal authorized custodian of the Association’s funds and responsible for the financial management of the Association.  He/she receives and disburses all monies in accordance with the Association Bylaws and approved budget.  Person authorized to be signers on the checking account should never be related to each other in any way.

1.      Present reports at every Executive and General monthly meetings as required by the Bylaws.

2.      Ensure there are new and up-to-date signature cards on file with the bank.  Provide the bank the minutes from the meeting that includes the elected officer’s names and position, the EIN number and account number.  Request that all signers have IDs with them.  There should be at least two or more signers.

3.      There should be at least two signers on written checks.  There should be a check request form used before checks are written.  Receipts should always be with all check request forms.  Approval from the Executive Board will have to be obtained for issued checks; prior approval should be obtained from the Executive Board.  The President should have knowledge of all activities on the account – deposit and withdrawal (prior to the activities on the checking account).

4.      Serve on the Budget Committee and help to develop a budget for the upcoming year.  Budget to be completed and presented to the members at the second meeting of the new year, if not before.

5.      Keep records up to date and accurate.

6.      Keep accurate and detailed transaction in treasurer’s ledger of monies received and disbursed.

7.      Make sure there is a semi audit and year end audit (due 45 days after each ending period).

8.      Always obtain a receipt for every purchase or payment from the account.  Without a receipt and or pre-approval, there may not be a reimbursement.

9.      Only Executive Board members should make purchases, unless approved by the Board and/or the President.

10.  Count all cash and checks that are received from persons presenting it.  Verification and acknowledgement is necessary.  This can be completed by using the cash verification form.

11.  Always deposit all cash and checks into the Association account within 24 hours or the first business day the bank is open, whichever is sooner.

12.  Preserve all check requests, verification of deposits with deposit slips, receipts, paid bills, bank statements and cancelled checks for audit purposes.

13.  Review and reconcile the bank statement each month or as soon as possible.

14.  All payments and reimbursements should be made by check.  Items should be in the budget.

15.  Never issue a check to “CASH” or for an unspecified amount; nor should cash be given.  This will not give an audit trail.  Always record every check in the check register at the time it is written, with the reason for the check, date and amount.

F.       Assistant Treasurer:  The Assistant Treasurer will assume the duties of the Treasurer in all aspects when the Treasurer is absent from any of the following meetings:  Executive Board, Regular Monthly Membership and DFCS/DHR.

SECTION 4: Election, Terms of Office and Replacement


An Election Committee should be formed from the regular membership in August of the year of the election to number at least 3 or more, but has to be an odd number.  The committee will oversee the election to the close.  The election will be held at the November meeting of the year of the election, and results will be disclosed said night.

The election of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Secretary and Assistant Treasurer shall be by ballot. Candidates must be a member in good standing. 

A majority vote of the returned ballots will elect each officer.

All ballots and related records of the election will be retained by the Secretary for one calendar year following the election.

Terms of Office

All officers shall serve for a period of two (2) years.

Elected officers shall assume their duties January 1st of the next calendar year.


In the event of a vacant position, the President shall have the authority to appoint a member to fill the vacant position with the approval of the Executive Board.

Vacancy of the President if more than three (3) months, will be automatically assumed by the Vice President, with the Board’s approval.  If less than three (3) months a special election will be called by the Executive Board for the election of a new President, while the Vice President will fill in as the Interim President until the election is completed.

ARTICLE IV - Board of Directors and Committees

SECTION 1: Structure

The governing authority of the Association shall be vested in the Board of Directors, which shall be responsible for the management and property of the Association. The Board of Directors shall consist of the following:

President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Secretary and Assistant Treasurer (Immediate Past President if approved by the Executive Board)

Chairpersons of the standing committees

SECTION 2: Standing Committees

Standing Committees shall have a chairperson appointed by the President. The only exception from this procedure is the Finance Committee, whose chairperson shall be the Treasurer.  The chairperson of each committee shall be responsible for selecting other members of that committee. When a chair is vacant, the President shall have the authority to direct the work of a committee until such time as a chairperson is appointed.

Standing Committees may be created, changed and dissolved by common consent of the Board of Directors or the President.

SECTION 3: Appointed Committees

Any appointed committee shall report their actions or decision(s) to the Board of Directors and will disband themselves after the final report is accepted by the Board. If, after a period of six (6) months no action has been taken or report filed by an appointed committee, the committee will be disbanded.

SECTION 4: Meetings

The Board of Directors shall hold at least six (6) meetings annually, unless changed by the Board. Other meetings may be held when scheduled by agreement of the majority of the Board of Directors. The President shall let all board members know the proposed agenda of the upcoming meeting.  Place and time of the next meeting of the Board of Directors shall be established prior to adjournment of the current meeting.

Because the monthly meetings are essential to the vital work of the Association, members of the Board of Directors are urged to attend all meetings unless excused by the President. Members of the board should notify the President and the Secretary of the Association at least 24 hours in advance if they are not able to attend. Board members who miss more than two meetings in a row may be asked to resign from the board.  Attendance is essential for an effective Board.  Exemptions can be made by the President/Executive board; unforeseen circumstances are exempt.

SECTION 5: Audit

An independent audit of the Treasury records shall be performed at the end of each membership year.  The auditor shall be selected by a simple majority vote of the Board of Directors.  The auditor shall be instructed to direct the result to the President.

SECTION 6: Duties

The members of the Board of Directors share common duties with regard to the Association:

To interpret and enforce the provisions of the Constitution and Bylaws of the Association.

To improve child welfare systems and legislation through attitude, action and constructive social action.  The focus is children in out-of-home placements, adoptive families and foster families; and to seek permanent placement in a speedy fashion.

To act as an information center and research body regarding constitutional matters, finance, legislative actions and education as they pertain to adoption and foster care and the dissemination of such information.

To promote and enhance mutual cooperation, coordination and communication among adoptive and foster parents, adoptive and foster parent associations, all child care agencies and other interested persons.

To formulate rules and regulations deemed essential to the interests and objectives of this Association.

ARTICLE V - Association Meetings

SECTION 1: The membership of this Association shall meet at least nine (9) times annually.

SECTION 2: Additional meetings may be called as needed by agreement of the majority of the Board of Directors.

SECTION 3: All meetings shall be conducted according to the most recent version of Roberts Rules of Order.

SECTION 4: A quorum shall consist of three (3) members present who attend the scheduled or called meeting.  No quorum, no business can be conducted.

ARTICLE VI - Officer Recall

When at least half of the Board of Directors perceives an officer to be unable to fulfill the duties and obligations of office as outlined in the appropriate job description, the President or person assigned by the President will counsel the officer regarding the existing deficiencies. If satisfactory resolution is not achieved to allow the officer to fulfill the duties and obligations properly, then the officer will be asked to resign the position.

If the officer does not resign as requested within fourteen (14) days, a special meeting of the Executive Board will be called to recommend a Bill of Recall. The recall will become valid with a majority or greater vote of the Executive Board present. The officer being considered for recall may not vote.

The results of the vote shall become a permanent record of the Board of Director's proceedings. The officer in question will be advised of the results of the vote as soon as possible, but no later than one week afterwards.

ARTICLE VII - Amendment

The Constitution and Bylaws may be amended. The Constitution and Bylaws Committee will conduct an annual review of the Constitution and Bylaws as needed so that they remain accurate and current to serve the needs of Georgia’s children.  If changes are deemed necessary, the committee will report needed changes to the Board of Directors for approval. Once changes are approved by the majority of the Executive Board, the revised Constitution and/or Bylaws will be presented for approval at the next monthly meeting.  Changes to the Constitution or Bylaws require a majority of eligible members to vote at the monthly meeting.

Approved and accepted by the Executive Board on March 26, 2013

Amended and approved April 30, 2013